
Showing posts from November, 2019

Sensory SIM Encounter

Overall, I believe the SIM encounter went well. I felt nervous but I knew I had prepared to the best to my ability. I believe I showed empathy towards the client’s mother and asked for reassurance to make sure she understood everything I was telling her. I made sure to assure her that I know this is a scary and overwhelming experiencing and that we were here for her and her child. I felt like overall this SIM went better than previous SIM encounters. I believe SIM encounters are beneficial to my learning and help me gain the real-world experience in a more relaxed setting. It’s nice to know that SIM encounters are for practice! Although it is a grade, I try and focus on it being more about the experience and the take-away rather than looking at it as just another grade in the grade book.              If I was given the opportunity for a do-over, I would have brought the notes I had prepared prior to having the meeting t...