Biomechanics Blog #2

Proper positioning for measuring ROM is crucial if you’re wanting to receive an accurate measurement. Bony landmarks can tell you where to position the axis, stationary arm, and moving arm. Incorrect positioning of the goniometer, the client, and yourself could give you an incorrect measurement. Bony landmarks also give us good interrater reliability. No matter what therapist is performing ROM, they all have a common landmark to position the goniometer. For MMT, the test position is mid joint position. Mid joint or mid ROM is the position for optimal muscle contraction against gravity or in gravity eliminated position. If test position is incorrect it could lead to the body being at a mechanical disadvantage or active insufficiency within the muscle. It could also be considered a safety precaution, so its important to have your client in the correct test position. If the client is unable to perform full ROM, or unable to resist during a MMT then you would need to move the client into a positon where the resistance of gravity is eliminated for the test movement. This can allow the client to move without the force of gravity.


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