Post Interview Reflection

Overall, I believe the interview went well. I believe I was able to get my point across without rambling on too much. I tried my best to repeat the questions I was asked to give my mind time to thank before answering. I believe this helped me gather my thoughts and help me relay what I was intending to.

To prepare for this interview I took time to remind myself why I am passionate about occupational therapy and particularly in a pediatric setting. I went over an elevator speech and a few things I wanted to mention if the interviewer asked about me. 

One thing that I didn't expect was that the interviewer had bad internet connection and had to turn her camera off. This didn't bother me because I have adapted to any and all online issues that may arise but it was different. I would have liked to see her and her reaction when sharing and answering questions. However, I was completely understanding of this issue. 

In a real-life situation, I would try to show more confidence and less nervousness. I want my future employer to see that I am confident in my ability to perform well on the job. I think I let my emotions and uncertainty get the best of me at times. Next time I will try and remain more calm. 

One thing I learned that I believe will be helpful to me as a future practitioner is to always take my time and ask questions. I think its important If I don't hear someone correctly or understand completely what they are asking of me to stop, reflect and ask questions. I would rather ask questions than do something wrong because I was too scared. 


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